Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mushroom Wine Sauce

Absolutely love this sauce.  It has a great taste and is so easy to make.  Give yourself enough time to let the sauce simmer and develop depth.  You can adjust the amount of sauce so want by changing the amounts of liquid, just keep the same ratio.  As always, never cook with a wine that you wouldn't drink on it's own. 

2 Tbsp. Butter
8 Oz. Sliced Mushrooms
2 C. Beef Broth
2 C. Dry Red Wine
1 tsp. Gravy Master

In large skillet, melt butter.  Chop mushrooms and add to skillet.  Stir and cook until softened.  Stir in the beef broth and red wine.  Simmer for about 15 minutes.  Add gravy master and black pepper. Simmer on low for 20 minutes.   Adjust all seasons to taste.